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Chapter 18: Electric Charge and Electric Field

College Physics (Urone)
Pages: 633 - 668

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98 Questions for Chapter 18: Electric Charge and Electric Field

  1. Using Figure, explain, in terms of Coulomb’s law, why a polar molecule (such as in Figure 18.43) is attracted by both positive and negative charges.

    Found on Page 661
  2. What is the repulsive force between two pith balls that are 8.00cm apart and have equal charges of -30.0 nC ?

    Found on Page 664
  3. Given the polar character of water molecules, explain how ions in the air form nucleation centers for rain droplets.

    Found on Page 661
  4. (a) How strong is the attractive force between a glass rod with a 0.700μCcharge and a silk cloth with a -0.600μCcharge, which are 12.0 cm apart, using the approximation that they act like point charges? (b) Discuss how the answer to this problem might be affected if the charges are distributed over some area and do not act like point charges.

    Found on Page 664
  5. Why must the test charge \({\rm{q}}\) in the definition of the electric field be vanishingly small?

    Found on Page 661
  6. Two point charges exert a 5.00 N force on each other. What will the force become if the distance between them is increased by a factor of three?

    Found on Page 664
  7. Are the direction and magnitude of the Coulomb force unique at a given point in space? What about the electric field?

    Found on Page 661
  8. Two point charges are brought closer together, increasing the force between them by a factor of 25. By what factor was their separation decreased?

    Found on Page 664
  9. Compare and contrast the Coulomb force field and the electric field. To do this, make a list of five properties for the Coulomb force field analogous to the five properties listed for electric field lines. Compare each item in your list of Coulomb force field properties with those of the electric field—are they the same or different? (For example, electric field lines cannot cross. Is the same true for Coulomb field lines?)

    Found on Page 661
  10. How far apart must two point charges of\({\rm{75}}{\rm{.0 nC}}\)(typical of static electricity) be to have a force of\({\rm{1}}{\rm{.00 N}}\)between them?

    Found on Page 664

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