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Scientific Data Analysis

Scientific Data Analysis

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If you were asked to order or categorise numbers, you might order them in ascending order, or you may group even or large numbers. But numbers are not always that simple. Thus, data and scientific data analysis are not always that simple. Before researchers can go on with their scientific data analysis, they must identify what type of data they are handling.

  • We will start by exploring what the data analysis scientific method definition means.
  • Then we will investigate how scientific data collection and analysis are carried out in psychological research.
  • Moving on, we delve into the link between statistics and analysis of scientific data, covering each level of measurement.
  • From this, we will look at data analysis and interpretation, including how interviews, observations and personal records are analysed.
  • Finally, we will look at some scientific data analysis examples.

Data Analysis Scientific Method Definition

The purpose of research favouring the scientific method is to either support or disprove a hypothesis. For research to do this, it should collect data and analyse empirical results and use reliable and valid methods.

The data analysis scientific method definition is a standardised process that accurately and objectively analyses data from research observed in the study (i.e. empirical).

Standardising procedures, meaning analysing each participant using the same protocol, ensures that the data analysis methods are reliable. The validity of the scientific data analysis can be increased by ensuring that the researcher's subjective opinion concerning the data is limited. Instead, how the data is interpreted should be based on the statistical findings of the research, i.e. it should be evidence-based.

Scientific Data Collection and Analysis

How scientific data is collected and analysed depends on multiple factors, e.g. the research method used, the type of data collected, and the type of data output - qualitative or quantitative, the researchers aim to collect.

In addition, the study's hypothesis also affects scientific data collection and analysis.

A hypothetical study hypothesised that there is a link between rain and umbrella sales. In this study, a correlational analysis would likely be employed.

Scientific research that collectsquantitative datainitially involves identifying the level of the measurement of the data, as this affects later analysis.

However, qualitative research, like interviews, observations and diaries, has to use different analysis methods to quantitative methods, such as content orthematic analysis.

Statistics and Analysis of Scientific Data

Thelevels of measurementare also known as scales of measurement. Levels of measurement in statistics describe and classify types ofvariablesand how to measure them.

They are designed to help us understand how to interpret the data, what statistical test to use, and what information the data can give us.

There are fourlevels of measurementin psychological research, nominal, ordinal, ratio and interval data. And these can be further divided into two groups: discrete and continuous data.

Nominal and ordinal data are discrete, meaning that the data can only have a finite number of values. In contrast, continuous data, i.e. interval or ratio data, can have an infinite number of values.

Thenominallevel of measurement in psychology consists of 'named' or 'labelled data'.

An example of a nominal level measurement question is What is yourgender? So the answers male, female and other are forms of nominal data.

Theordinallevel of measurement in psychology iscategorical数据,并有固定的值集或秩序。The order of the data is vital because it shows that one response has a lower/higher value than the other, but we cannot determine how much they quantitively differ. Ordinal data is usually collected from qualitative data.

An example of a question with ordinal measurement is What is your socioeconomic class? So the ordinal data could be working class, middle class, and upper-class.

Theratiolevel of measurement in psychology is a type of data that is classified and ranked; there is a clear difference between one point and the next. It has an absolute value of 0, meaning the numerical values cannot be less than 0.

Participants' height, age, and travel speed are data that use a ratio measure. Your height cannot be negative, your age cannot be less than 0, and you cannot be travelling at a minus speed.

Similar to ratio measurement,intervaldata is a type of data that can be classified and ranked, meaning there is a clear difference between one point and the next. The difference between the twolevels of measurementis that interval level data can be less than 0 (0 is not absolute).

An example of interval data is the temperature which can be recorded at 0 and below.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Case studiesuse different methods of scientific data collection called triangulation. Because of this, there are several methods that researchers must use for scientific data analysis. The most common data collection methods utilised in case studies are observations, interviews and personal records.

Observationsare usually recorded and analysed by multiple trained professionals. An example of an analysis procedure is tally counting. In this analysis, two or more professionals watch the same video and tally independently how frequently they observe a particular behaviour or pattern.

The independent tallies are compared, and a correlational analysis is usually conducted. The scientific data analysis has high inter-rater reliability if the results are similar and a high positivecorrelationis found.

Semi-unstructured interviewsuse open-ended and closed-ended questions to obtainquantitative and qualitative data. The analysis involves taking notes from the interview transcripts, which are later categorised by themes; this process is calledthematic analysis. Data is usually reported by stating the themes and patterns identified and providing excerpts from the transcript as evidence; this form of analysis provides qualitative data.

Thethematic analysisallows the researcher and the reader to understand the phenomena in depth. Furthermore, it can be classified as a scientific data analysis technique, relying on an evidence-based interpretation of the themes, concepts and patterns.

Personal records such as diaries and letters provide qualitative information. The technique of scientific data analysis is quite different from that used forquantitative data. This is because statistical data is the simplest and most reliable method of quantitative data interpretation. Statistical analysis can be used in quantified qualitative data; this data transformation is calledcontent analysis.

续ent analysisis an analysis method used to identify words, themes, and concepts in qualitative data, such as diaries, and follows a similar protocol to thematic analysis.

However,content analysisquantifies words, themes, and concepts to understand their meaning and relationship. Thestatistical testsused forquantitative datacan then be used.

Scientific Data Analysis Examples

Now let's put what we have learned into practice.

What data is collected based on the questions described in the questionnaire?

Q1. What is your age?

Q2. On a scale of 1 - 5 (most likely to very unlikely), are you to recommend the app to your friends?

Q3. How many hours do you spend on social media daily?

Q1 collects ratio data; Q2 collects ordinal data, and Q3 collects ratio data.

Scientific Data Analysis - Key takeaways

  • The data analysis scientific method definition is a standardised process that accurately and objectively analyses data from research observed in the study (i.e. empirical).
  • How scientific data is collected and analysed depends on multiple factors, e.g. the research method used, the type of data collected, and the type of data output - qualitative or quantitative, the researchers aim to collect. The study's hypothesis can also affect scientific data collection and analysis.
  • Levels of measurement in statistics describe and classify types ofvariablesand how to measure them. There are fourlevels of measurement: nominal, ordinal, ratio and interval data.
  • Data analysis and interpretation of case studies depend on the researcher's research method, but some typical analysis techniques are thematic and content analysis.

Frequently Asked Questions about Scientific Data Analysis

A crucial step in conducting research is scientific data analysis. The researcher must find a reliable and valid scientific method to perform the data analysis. The analysis method depends on various factors, such as what is being investigated and the type of data collected.

In psychology, scientific data analysis should be written per APA (American Psychological Association) regulations.

The data analysis scientific method definition is a standardised process that accurately and objectively analyses data from research observed in the study (i.e. empirical).

The first step is to identify the level of measurement collected from the data and then analyse the data based on the most appropriate, reliable or valid scientific data analysis method. For example, diaries may be analysed using content analysis.

Final Scientific Data Analysis Quiz

Scientific Data Analysis Quiz - Teste dein Wissen


For the following question, what is the appropriate level of measurement that characterises the data: ‘What is your gender?'

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What are the characteristics of nominal data?

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Nominal data is characterised by the following:

  • No order between values – one answer in a questionnaire is as vital as the others, and this is because these data tend not to provide numerical value.
  • Nominal values do not overlap – respondents can select only one answer (data that can take only specific values are called discrete data).
  • They are not usually used for evaluation calculations but rather for grouping data or participants;
    • The standard calculations used to represent nominal data are percentages and mode.

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What levels of measurement are used for qualitative data?

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What levels of measurement are used for quantitative data?

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What are the characteristics of ordinal data?

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  • There is no way to measure the numerical value of one response to the next, e.g. researchers cannot determine how much the respondents who answered 3 differ in importance from respondents who answered 5.
  • Data based on ranking – there is a difference between the ratings based on the order, but we cannot measure the difference.
  • The order of the data is essential, e.g. 1 may reflect a weaker response than 5.

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What data is usually available when using a ratio level of measurement?

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Data that is quantitative, classified and ranked and can have an absolute zero.

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What is the difference between ratio and interval data?

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The value of 0 is not absolute in interval data, but it is in ratio data.

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What is continuous data?

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Data that can be of infinite value.

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What is discrete data?

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Data that can only have certain values is called discrete data.

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When carrying out research, why is it important to identify the appropriate level of measurement of data?

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Because it helps us understand:

  • how to interpret the data.
  • the appropriate statistical test to use.
  • the information that the data can give us.

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What is triangulation?

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Triangulation is using multiple research techniques to collect data.

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What are the different types of scientific data analysis methods for case studies?

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  • 续ent analysis.
  • Thematic analysis.
  • Tally counting.

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What is the difference between thematic and content analysis?

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Thematic and content analysis follow a similar protocol. However, content analysis quantifies words, themes and concepts to understand their meaning and relationship. The statistical tests used for quantitative data can then be used.

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What scientific data analysis method is the most appropriate for personal diaries?

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Tally counting.

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Are there specific data analysis methods for particular data collection methods, e.g., primary sources?

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No, the type of information the researcher wants to obtain for analysis usually determines the data analysis method.

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Why are two researchers present during tally counting?

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To ensure inter-rater reliability.

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What are the four levels of measurement?

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  1. Nominal.
  2. Ordinal.
  3. Interval.
  4. Ratio.

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How can we identify if data is ratio or interval?

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If a variable has a value of absolute 0, it can be identified as ratio data. If the value of a variable can be 0 or less than 0, then it is interval data.

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What is scientific data analysis?

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The data analysis scientific method definition is a standardised process that accurately and objectively analyses data from research observed in the study (i.e. empirical).

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What features are required for the data analysis method to be scientific?

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Data analysis must be empirical, reliable and valid.

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What is the data collection approach case studies take?

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How are observations usually analysed?

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Tally counting

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What is an advantage of tally counting?

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Due to the presence of two trained professionals the results can be compared, if the same/ similar tallies are found then this means that the scoring is high in inter-rater reliability.

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What is a disadvantage of tally counting?

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This process requires quantifying qualitative data and so important information concerning the case study may be omitted that may be essential to understanding underlying processes (factors that influence the phenomenon interested in).

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What steps do researchers take to analyse interviews?

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To analyse interviews, notes are taken from transcripts, which are then categorised based on themes. The data is usually reported by stating the themes and patterns identified and providing extracts from the transcript as evidence.

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What is the name of the procedure used to analyse interviews?

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Thematic analysis

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What type of data is generated from thematic analysis

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Qualitative data

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What is an advantage of thematic analysis?

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  • This process highlights patterns and behaviours that may be an effect or outcome of a situation with evidence. This in-depth information can increase understanding of why certain occurrences happen.
  • The researchers may identify unexpected themes, providing guidelines for future research.

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What is a disadvantage of thematic analysis?

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The data is analysed by the researcher and so themes identified and results may be due to investigator bias, reducing the reliability and validity of findings.

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What is content analysis?

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续ent analysis is an analysis method used to identify words, themes and concepts in qualitative data such as diaries, following a protocol similar to thematic analysis. However, content analysis quantifies words, themes and concepts to understand their meaning and relationship.

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Fill in the blank space. Content analysis is a data analysis method used whenare used as a data collection method.

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Secondary sources e.g. diaries, letters

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What is an advantage of content analysis?

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The quantitative data allows easier comparison of results, identification and reporting of trends observed.

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What is a disadvantage of content analysis?

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类似于统计计数有缺点of using this analysis method such as potentially omitting data that is vital and researcher bias influencing analysis and reducing the validity of findings.

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What type of data does content analysis analyse?

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What type of data does content analysis generate?

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What are examples of data collections when using content analysis as an analysis method?

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  • Interviews.
  • Speeches.
  • Diaries.
  • Letters.

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How many stages of content analysis are there?

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What sources can researchers use to define categories in their coding system?

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They can define categories based on the data, previous researchers, and established theories.

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Why is the coding system tested on an extract first?

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When the researcher tests the coding system on an extract, they can identify if it is a valid measure of the phenomenon and if any adjustments are needed.

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What is the name of a similar research concept that involves testing something before conducting/ analysing something?

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Pilot study.

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What stage is the data transformed from qualitative to quantitative in content analysis?

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Stage 4.

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How is the reliability of the coded data assessed?

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Usually, more than one person does the coding and compares their results to see if they are similar.

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What is done in the final two stages of content analysis?

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Inferential testing.

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What is an example of how to prepare data for content analysis?

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Transcribing data.

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What is the difference between content analysis and thematic analysis?

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The two types of analysis differ in that content analysis quantifies qualitative data (transforms it from qualitative to quantitative), whereas thematic analysis produces qualitative data.

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What are the strengths of content analysis?

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The strengths of content analysis are:

  • 定量数据允许更容易比较of results and identification and reporting of observed trends.
  • It can have high reliability because the process is standardised, and there are stages designed to increase its internal reliability.
  • It is a relatively cheap method.

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What are the weaknesses of content analysis?

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The weaknesses of content analysis are:

  • Researchers may omit vital data if it does not fit into the predetermined theme.
  • It is challenging to remain objective in this method.
  • The context of the data is usually cut out, which can lead to misinterpretation and reduce the validity of the results. When we take out the context, the meaning can change drastically.

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What can inferential tests show?

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Why would researchers use thematic analysis instead of content analysis?

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So that they can obtain enriched data that will help them learn more about the patterns or trends concerning the phenomenon.

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What type of data is required for thematic analysis?

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