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Psychodynamic Approach

Psychodynamic Approach

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Psychodynamic Approach. Sensitivity content warning concerning topics discussed, StudySmarter

Have you ever had a bad day at school or work and taken your frustration out on someone at home? Or perhaps you have a crush on someone but find yourself insisting that your friend has that crush, not you. Both of these are common situations that find their roots in what we call the psychodynamic approach in psychology, and believe it or not; your unconscious mind is the driving force here! Let's explore this concept further.

  • We will begin by talking about the psychodynamic approach in psychology.
  • Next, we will discuss the assumptions of the psychodynamic approach.
  • We will then look at some examples of the psychodynamic approach.
  • Next, we will talk about the evaluation of the psychodynamic approach.
  • And finally, we will explore the strengths and weaknesses of the psychodynamic approach.

Psychodynamic Approach Psychology

When we think of 'psychodynamic', it's likely that the first thing we think about is Sigmund Freud. But what really is the psychodynamic approach, and why did Freud introduce it? Let's discuss this below.

Thepsychodynamic approachto psychology emphasises our unconscious thoughts and aims to understand how these thoughts conflict with our experiences, i.e., biological, societal and those from early childhood.

You might be wondering how our unconscious can contribute to our conscious behaviour. Well, Freud believed that our unconscious mind is an area where some of our deepest feelings and traumas hide,yet they still actively interact with our daily lives, thereby contributing to our behaviour in the present day.

Psychodynamicmeans' mind energy' or 'mind in conflict'.

It is based on the idea that every person has different personality parts (psyche) and conflicting interests, and they may not be consciously aware of what they want. The psychodynamic approach brings us a different perspective.

Psychodynamic Approach The unconscious mind StudySmarterFig. 1 - The unconscious mind is the driving force for our behaviours, emotions and thoughts

Psychodynamic Approach Assumptions

The psychodynamic approach might bring us a different perspective, but what is this perspective based on? What are its assumptions? Let's discuss some of these below.

Freud suggested that the reason for our behaviour and our emotions is all down to our unconscious mind - we store information from our past in that area, and it stays hidden away, but it still contributes to our conscious thoughts and actions.

Freud talked about the mind by using the metaphor of the iceberg. It might be a metaphor you've come across in your study of psychology, but let's recap what it is.

An iceberg is a piece of ice submerged underwater, with the most important part at the bottom and just a fraction showing through the top.

That's great, but how does that relate to us as individuals? Well, according to Freud, our mind is an iceberg - the most important part is our unconscious, the one which is hidden away, and the visible part is our conscious.

Our behaviour might result from our unconscious, but what comprises our unconscious mind? Is it just the thoughts we don't want to accept, or is that and so much more? According to Freud, our childhood experiences - the good, the bad and the ugly - form the majority of our unconscious, shaping our personalities and making us who we are; maybe this is why we're all so different!

Psychodynamic Approach Assumptions: Behaviour is Determined

The psychodynamic approach insists that all behaviour has an underlying cause in the unconscious. With this being said, Freud believed that our unconscious translates into our consciousness with the use of 'Freudian slips'.

AFreudian slipis an error in memory, thought or behaviour linked to the unconscious mind. It can also be known as a 'slip of the tongue'.

When a Freudian slip occurs, we often express what we're really thinking about and do so by saying something we didn't intend to. Since these slips provide insight into our deeper thoughts, Freud believed that there are no mistakes or errors and that every behaviour means something.

Psychodynamic Approach Assumptions: Tripartite Personality

Freud assumed that an individual's personality was divided into three parts, interacting with each other and contributing to our behaviour. These are:

Operates in the most primitive parts of our personality. Mediates between the impulsive demands of the id and the reality of the external world. Shaped by societal values and morals.
Based on the pleasure principle and demands immediate gratification regardless of the circumstances. Must compromise between the impulsive needs of the id and the moralistic demands of the superego. Characterised by the 'inner voice' that lets us know when we have 'broken the rules, causing feelings of guilt.
It contains the libido and is unconscious. Part of the conscious mind. Both conscious and unconscious.

Defence mechanisms are activated when triggered by theego. To deal with the conflict, it needs support from the other two parts of the personality: theidandsuperego.

These mechanisms tend to operate unconsciously and work by distorting reality. The ego has to deal with the natural world and all its problems. Defence mechanisms stop the person from becoming aware of any unpleasant thoughts and feelings associated with traumatic events.

There are severaldefence mechanisms, but let's look at some common ones below.

It could be that you've experienced some form of trauma when you were younger, but you have no recollection of it - chances are, this is a form of repression.

Repressionis when your mind subconsciously blocks any information that you consider unpleasant.

Repressing your emotions is often a way to escape them and not let them present themselves in your conscious thoughts and actions.

Have you ever been in a situation where something unpleasant happens, and you deny it entirely?

Denialis a form of avoidance andoccurs when a person is not keen on accepting reality.

By avoiding unpleasant situations, individuals may believe they will be protected from painful feelings associated with the event.

Have you ever had a difficult day at school, gone home and lashed out at your sibling for something that shouldn't have been a big deal? Maybe, maybe not.

Displacementarises when a person feels unable to express difficult or hostile feelings at the time and therefore might transfer them to a helpless person or object.

Defence mechanisms are our body's way of protecting ourselves from feelings and situations it knows are unpleasant and/or disturbing. While we all know they exist, we may not consciously be engaging in them - they do occur subconsciously, after all!

Psychodynamic Approach Examples

In addition to suggesting the structure of personality, Freud introduced the 'psychosexual stages of development'. Let's briefly look at the stages below.

Oral stage Occursbetween birth and two years old. The focus at this stage is the experience of pleasure perceived through the mouth.
Anal stage Occurs between two and three years old. It is the stage when thechild becomes aware of reality outside the home and societal rules.The focus at this stage is the anus.
性器期 Occursbetween three and six years old. This is the stage whenthe superego develops.It is an important moment for overcoming unconscious desires directed to the mother for boys and the father for girls.The focus at this stage is the genitals.
Latency stage Itstarts around six years old and lasts until puberty.The sexual energy from the previous stage becomes latent so that the child can focus on the world around them, i.e., the focus of this stage is hidden.
Genital stage This happens after puberty; this stageculminates with the psychosexual energy taking place in the genitals to be directed towards the formation of adultrelationships.

According to Freud, abnormal behaviours can develop if a fixation develops in any of the above stages. Some of these behaviours include the following -

  • Obsessive hand-washing or counting footsteps.

  • Smoking, nail-biting, and sarcasm.

  • Agoraphobia.

  • Hoarding.

  • Sexual compulsions.

Smoking can be linked to a fixation during the oral stage of psychosexual development, or nail-biting may occur due to an anxiety-inducing childhood event.

Freud introduced techniques like梦的解析and group analysis psychotherapy to treat these behaviours.

Psychodynamic Approach Evaluation

Nowadays, Freud's theories are considered the foundation for developing the practice of psychology and for a deeper understanding of how cultures operate socially. The evidence for his theories is based on clinical research rather than empirical.

However, its scientific trustworthiness is questionable. Not many people would deny the existence of unconscious drives anddefence mechanisms. In fact, psychoanalysis is still used to treat patients with profound psychological issues. The existential concepts behind the Freudian approach have allowed it to maintain some hold on psychotherapeutic techniques.

Along with Freud's theory, he has shared with the world a new style of therapy: psychoanalysis. He applied a series of techniques designed to access the unconscious mind.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Psychodynamic Approach

Now that we have understood what the psychodynamic approach is, and have got an insight into some of its theories, let's discuss some strengths and weaknesses.


The manner that Freud related to childhood experiences and adult characteristics is globally accepted. Freudian psychoanalysis is still in contemporary use.

Freud's theory of psychoanalysis assumes that much of mental life is unconscious and that past experiences, especially in early childhood, shape how an individual feels and behaves throughout life.


Freud established the psychodynamic approach highlighting the importance of the unconscious mind related to behaviour. However, the psychodynamic approach isnot considered scientific. It examines many concepts/theories that cannot be empirically tested—relying on subjective interpretation.

Evidence for the psychodynamic approach is most often based on case studies, i.e., thecase of Little Hans. The critique here is that case studies are observations of one person in great detail - their fears, thoughts and actions. Therefore, studying one person and trying to generalise the reasoning behind the problem to the greater population is not accurate.

The Case of Little Hans

When Little Hans was four years old, he witnessed an accident wherein a horse collapsed in the street, after which he developed a fear of horses. Freud used his stages of psychosexual development to resolve this very fear. After Little Hans turned three, he developed an interest in what he called 'widdlers' -his penis and that of othermales, including animals. When his mother noticed this, she threatened to get him castrated unless he stopped his obsession.

Additionally, when his mother gave birth to a little girl, Hans experienced jealousy andwanted his sister to drown in the bath.

Freud's explanation for both events was thatHans was in the phallic stage and had developed the恋母情结,meant he fearedcastrationand wanted his mother all to himself.

Later,Watson and Skinnerestablished the behaviourist approach in1913. They criticised Freud, arguing that true scientific psychology should restrict itself to phenomena that can be observed directly and measured.They believed that behaviour is environmentally determined by conditioning, meaning that behaviour is something we can learn.

Psychodynamic Approach - Key takeaways

  • The psychodynamic approach emphasises our unconscious thoughts and aims to understand how these thoughts conflict with our experiences.
  • The assumptions of the psychodynamic approach are unconscious motives, childhood experiences, determined behaviour and the tripartite personality.
  • Some commondefence mechanismsare repression, displacement and denial.
  • According to Freud, if a fixation develops in anyof his psychosexual stages,异常行为可以开发,即过度hand-washing, nail-biting, etc.
  • While Freud's theories are considered the foundation for developing the practice of psychology and for a deeper understanding of how cultures operate socially,their scientific trustworthiness is questionable.

Frequently Asked Questions about Psychodynamic Approach

The psychodynamic approach emphasises the importance of our childhood experiences that will impact our future. Changing the direction of how we interact with the world will also change how we develop and behave in adult life.

The psychodynamic approach takes both the nature and nurture sides of the debate as the theory suggests that the psyche is an innate concept that we are born with, but it is heavily influenced by how we are nurtured.

心理动力学方法解释说,人类本·aviour is a consequence of unresolved desire conflicts in childhood.

There have been experiments done to confirm its accuracy, and many have come out with different results. The empiricalness of Freud and the psychodynamic approach has been questioned due to the difficulty of testing the theories empirically.

The strengths of the psychodynamic approach are that it deeply investigates human feelings and tries to understand how our childhood memories interact with adult life. The weakness is that none of the theories can be proven right or wrong because of the lack of scientific evidence.

A significant criticism of the psychodynamic approach is that it is an unscientific method of analysing human behaviour. Many of its claims are difficult to test scientifically and rely on subjective methods.

Final Psychodynamic Approach Quiz

Psychodynamic Approach Quiz - Teste dein Wissen


What is displacement?

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Displacementarises when a person feels unable to express difficult or hostile feelings at the time and, therefore, might transfer them to a helpless person or object.

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What is repression?

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Repression is when your mind subconsciously blocks any information that you consider unpleasant.

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What is a 'Freudian slip' also known as?

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It can also be known as a 'slip of the tongue'.

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What are the assumptions of the psychodynamic approach?

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The assumptions are -

  1. Unconscious motives.
  2. Childhood experiences.
  3. Behaviour is determined.
  4. Tripartite personality.

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What is a Freudian slip?

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A Freudian slip is an error in memory,thought or behaviour linked to the unconscious mind.

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What does the term psychodynamic mean?

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It means mind energy or mind in conflict.

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What are defence mechanisms?

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When unpleasant events trigger the mind, it finds ways of protecting itself from the effects of these conflicts. Examples include repression, displacement and denial.

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How does the psychodynamic approach explain adult behaviour?

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The psychodynamic approach sees human functioning based upon the interactions of drives and forces within the individual; this explains why they behave in a certain way. Some of these may be rooted in childhood.

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What is the 'tripartite personality'?

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The tripartite personality is another name given to the structure of personality proposed by Freud, which consists of the id, ego and superego.

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What did Freud name the three different parts of the mind?

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Id, ego and superego.

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What are the psychosexual stages of development?

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The psychosexual stages of development are the oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency stage and genital stage.

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What are “unconscious conflicts in the psyche”?

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It refers to unresolved conflicting feelings and behaviours that we might not be aware of.

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What is the psychodynamic perspective of the unconscious mind?

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The psychodynamic perspective proposes that psychological drives emphasise human behaviour, feelings, and emotions. Based on these energies at play, Freud proposed the notion of the unconscious mind.

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What is the unconscious mind known for?

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The unconscious mind is known as the place that stores feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories outside of our conscious awareness.

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What kind of information does the unconscious mind hide from our conscious mind?

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The unconscious mind keeps unacceptable or unpleasant information, such as pain, anxiety, and conflict. Overall, traumatic experiences can reveal themselves in many different ways.

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Was Jung’s view of the unconscious mind different from Freud's?

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The unique unconscious concept did not differ from Freud’s idea. He also proposed that the unconscious is divided into the personal and collective unconscious. And the collective unconscious theory believes it is the deepest level of the personality (psyche).

However, it contains inherited ancestral memories and archetypal experiences of an entire human species rather than one individual.

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What is the metaphor of the

iceberg proposed by Freud?

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Freud used the analogy of an iceberg when describing different levels of the mind.

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From (1900 - 1905) Freud developed the topographical model of the mind; what was he describing?

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Freud developed a topographical model of the mind. He described the features of the mind structure and functioning of the ego, superego and id.

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What is one example of the conscious mind?

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Suppose you feel hungry at this moment and decide to eat. This is a feeling you are aware of and can act on with clarity.

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What is one example of the preconscious mind?

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You are not presently thinking about your email address, but now as mentioned, you can easily recall it.

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Are negative emotions or traumas readily available in the preconscious mind?

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No. Negative emotions or traumas are repressed and not readily available in the preconscious mind.

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True or False: The unconscious mind compartmentalises mental processes that are not accessible to the consciousness, but it affects behaviour, feelings, and even judgements.

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What is the id?

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The id is the primitive or instinctive part of the mind containing aggressive, sexual drives and hidden memories.

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True or False: The ego does not use the reality principle.

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What is the superego?

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The superego controls our moral conscience.

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How many systems and what are the systems related to the superego?

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The superego has two systems: the conscience and the ideal self.

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What is one example of the superego's role?

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For example, if the ego surrenders to the id’s demands, the superego will enlighten a person’s feelings of guilt.

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Who first and when wrote about the concept of defence mechanism?

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Sigmund Freud first mentioned the concept of defence mechanisms in his 1894 essay, 'The Neuro-Psychoses of Defence'.

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What is the definition of a defense mechanism in psychoanalytic theory?

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In Freud's psychoanalytic theory, the ego employs defence mechanisms to cope with the conflicting demands of the other two personality parts: the id and the superego.

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How does the ego operate in the defence mechanism?

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The ego regulates conflicting demands between the id and the superego through a defence mechanism.

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What happens when we rely on defence mechanisms too often?

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Relying on specific mechanisms too often can lead to unhealthy and undesirable psychological problems.

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Is it normal to have ego-defence mechanisms?

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Ego defence mechanisms are natural and normal. However, if used frequently, the person may develop neuroses such as anxiety, phobias, compulsions, or hysteria.

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What is the role of the passive mechanisms?

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The passive mechanism's role is to support conflicted feelings and manage developmental fears. It can also be called a discrete defence mechanism.

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How do defence mechanisms perceive reality?

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A defence mechanism is a distortion of reality, and it extends to many levels.

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When does the denial defence mechanism occur?

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It occurs when the conscious mind confronts an imposed stressful memory, such as traumatic or painful memories.

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What is denial?

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Denial is the refusal to accept reality.

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Is denial a healthy defence mechanism?

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No, it is considered a narcissistic and immature defence because its functioning rejects reality.

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What is an example of denial?

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A wife refuses to see that her husband is no longer interested in sharing his life with her and that it is time for her to divorce him.

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When does repression happen?

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Repression happens when a traumatic memory is forced outside of conscious awareness into the subconscious, i.e., forgetting it.

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Can we use the Oedipus complex as an example of repression?

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Yes. Repression also occurs when a child goes through psychosexual development at the stage of the Oedipus complex. For example, the boy develops aggressive ideas about his father, and these feelings are repressed or forced into the subconscious.

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When does displacement occur?

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When we have a certain feeling about someone and cannot express it, we transfer it to another person or even animals or objects. Displacement is also considered a defence mechanism against anxiety.

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What happens when someone goes through regression?

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回归是一种庇护。返回的人to a moment in the past when they felt safe.

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Who developed the psychosexual development stages?

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人格发展孩子会是什么through during the psychosexual stages?

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The psychosexual stages are a period a child goes through in its development, from birth to six years of age. During these stages, the personality develops, such as the id, the ego, and the superego.

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Does the child have to deal with the same conflict from birth until six years of age or older?

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No. A new conflict will be part of the child's dynamics, looking for positive solutions during the different stages.

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What happens if those conflicts are not resolved?

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The conflicts that are not well resolved will affect future development.

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What are the different stages associated with?

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The different stages are associated with the driving force in child development or libido.

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How is the libido expressed?

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The libido is expressed in different ways and different parts of the body.

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How are the psychosexual development stages represented?

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Various fixations of sexual urges or instinctual drives represent the psychosexual development stages.

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Why did Freud use the term sexual?

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Freud used the term sexual to describe pleasurable actions and thoughts.

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