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Robert Browning

Robert Browning

The Brownings resided in Florence, Italy for most of their marriage, but they often moved due to financial challenges. Barrett Browning's health markedly improved in Italy, and the couple had a son in 1849. Browning educated their son at home, similarly to his own education. He did most of the household chores due to Barrett Browning's spinal injury, so he wrote little while they were married.

Each wrote love poems for the other: one of Barrett Browning's most famous works,桑尼ts from the Portuguese(1850), was a collection of love poems that she wrote for Browning while their relationship was developing between 1845-6. For his part, Browning broke his vow of objectivity and wrote "One Word More" about his love for his wife, published in hisMen and Womencollection in 1855.

After Barrett Browning died in 1861, Browning returned to London with their son. He immediately set to work getting Barrett Browning's last collection of poetry,Last Poems(1862),ready for publication. In 1868-69, he went on to publish his greatest work,The Ring and the Book,which he based off of a late 17th-century murder trial in Rome. Browning continued writing until the end of his life; he died in 1889 after taking ill in Venice. He was buried in Westminster Abbey.

Works by Robert Browning

The unequal sharing of the burden of death brings us to the theme of the subjugation of women. Both Browning and his wife wrote about the role of women and their place in society in their poetry. During his time, women had little opportunity to advance on their own and their entire social lives were dictated by either their husbands or fathers.

Browning showcases the subjugation of women as an extreme in his poetry: in each of his works above, women are murdered by men in an attempt to punish them and bring them back under control. In both "My Last Duchess" and "Porphyria's Lover" the women were murdered by their men, not because their own actions were so horrid, but because their significant others were insecure in their own power.

Beauty and Art in Robert Browning's poetry

在various poems, Browning contemplates thenature美丽的力量和艺术的关系。在"My Last Duchess", we see a man who collects beautiful art as an expression of his power. When his wife threatens his domestic power, he kills the living version of her and turns her into an art piece that he can acquire and once again control. Beauty is itself a source of power to be controlled and acquired. Much of his inspiration came from the Renaissance period, in which art was revolutionized.

Robert Browning (1812-1889) - Key takeaways

  • Robert Browning was an important English poet in the Victorian age.
  • He is best known for dramatic monologues and psychological portraits.
  • He was educated largely at home on a variety of myths and arcane lore, which inspired many ideas for his poetry.
  • He married fellow poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
  • His most well-known poems include 'My Last Duchess,' 'Porphyria's Lover,' andThe Ring and the Book.
  • The themes of his works include death, the subjugation of women, and beauty and art.

Frequently Asked Questions about Robert Browning


He was a Victorian poet, focused largely on dramatic monologues.

May 7, 1812

"My Last Duchess"

The dramatic monologue, in which a poem is spoken by one character to a silent audience

Final Robert Browning Quiz


Who was Robert Browning?

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Robert Browning was an English poet and playwright in the Victorian age. He is best known for dramatic verse.

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What kind of poetry did Robert Browning write?

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He is famous for dramatic monologue. In dramatic monologue there is one speaker in the poem. This speaker addresses a silent listener; the observations and comments of the speaker on his/her own story give readers psychological insight into the character.

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What poems are Robert Browning famous for writing?

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His most famous poem is 'My Last Duchess.' He also wroteThe Book and the Ringand 'Porphyria's Lover.' Although he never considered himself a children's poet, Browning wrote the famous children's poem 'The Pied Piper of Hamelin' for a friend's son.

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Who was Robert Browning married to?

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Robert Browning was married to Elizabeth Barrett Browning. She was a poet in her own right whenever they met.

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What major complications did the Brownings face?

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Elizabeth Barrett Browning's father disapproved of Robert Browning and disowned his daughter when he found out she married him. The two had to marry secretly and move to Italy to avoid her father's wrath. Elizabeth Barrett Browning also suffered from lung issues and a spinal injury, making her very sick for most of her life.

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What was one of Browning's biggest criticisms early on in his career as a poet?

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Critics like Henry Mill's criticized his first poem for being too personal an emotional. Browning decided to become an objective narrator and rarely included his personal thoughts in his poetry after that.

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How was Robert Browning educated?

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His father educated him at home. His father wanted a career in art, but couldn't due to financial troubles. He educated Robert Browning in classical art and mythology and supported his writing career both emotionally and financially.

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What are the major themes throughout Browning's works?

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Browning writes a lot about death, the subjugation of women, and art and beauty.

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What is different about Browning's poemThe Ring and the Book?

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This poem is a verse novel. It is the length of a novel, but written completely in verse. It spans over 20,000 lines and was broken down into 12 books, each one featuring a dramatic monologue from one of the story's characters.

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Who wrote 'My Last Duchess'?

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Robert Browning wrote 'My Last Duchess' in 1842.

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Where was 'My Last Duchess' published?

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It was published in Browning'sDramatic Lyricscollection.Dramatic Lyricswas the third volume of hisBells and Pomegranatesseries. It was originally entitled 'Italy.'

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Who is the speaker in 'My Last Duchess'?

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Based on the "Ferrara" epigraph at the top of the text, the speaker is the Duke of Ferrara. He is speaking to a silent listener, who is an emissary of a count. The count's daughter is marrying the Duke.

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What is the setting for 'My Last Duchess'?

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The poem is set in the Duke of Ferrara's house. The Duke and his guest are looking at his private art collection.

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What is noteworthy about the portrait in 'My Last Duchess'?

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It is lifesized. It looks as if the duchess is still alive and standing in the room. It is hidden behind a curtain that is only allowed to be moved by the Duke.

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What did the duchess do wrong in 'My Last Duchess'?

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She smiled and blushed at men who gave her attention. The Duke thought this was wrong because she was ranking his favor at the same level as everyone else's favor. She was not respecting his status.

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What happened to the duchess?

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The Duke had her killed: 'I gave commands; / Then all smiles stopped together' (45-46).

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Why does the Duke think he is above everyone else socially?

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He comes from a very old and prestigious family. He is very proud of his "900 year name" and the power that comes with it.

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What happens at the end of the poem?

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The Duke tells the listener to follow him downstairs, where the listener's master, the Count, is waiting to discuss marriage details between his daughter and the Duke.

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What are major themes in the poem?

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Major themes include power and corruption, control of others, gender inequality, and art and culture.

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What poetic devices are used throughout the poem?

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The poem uses end rhyme, enjambment, symbolism, alliteration, and consonance as poetic devices

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